You’re the CMO of your life. Market yourself properly, update your LinkedIn, update your profile pic, and resume. This isn’t your first rodeo so you know the importance of your LinkedIn profile so I won’t dive into that and instead we’re going to get more granular (big word LOL).

What are the TINY things you’re missing on your resume?

You are an incredibly accomplished Marketer, tap into your storytelling ability. Think of this as your next campaign and the goal of this next campaign is to get you HIRED.

On your resume, lead with action verbs and DATA. Hiring managers, executives, and Daniel Murray love to see numbers.

**This applies even if you aren’t job hunting.**

Don’t think that’s important? See it for yourself, which person would you hire?

Marketer 1️⃣: 

✅: Managed a team of performance Marketers executing quarterly campaigns

✅: Allocated ad budget to proper channels to meet client’s needs

✅: Handled all demand gen campaigns to increase cloud trials and hub visits 

Marketer 2️⃣: 

❤️: Led a team of 6 performance Marketers increasing X by 87%, achieving minimum of 100% revenue attainment in 9 consecutive quarters, with 100% team retention over 2 years. 

❤️: Strategized the allocation of 7-figure ad budgets for 5 different Fortune 500 clients, across X, Y, and Z sectors. 

❤️: Designed demand gen campaigns that increased cloud trials X% over a Y month period. 

I know which Marketer I’m hiring (hint it’s not Marketer 1). Both Marketers are very accomplished, person 2 just tells their story more effectively. They don’t make it seem like a story – they hit with facts. This goes back to KNOWING your audience, and yes this even applies to job hunting.

You’ve generated top of funnel awareness (perfected your LinkedIn and resume), but now it’s time to get this company through the funnel. 

Level up your marketing game

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And we do that with how we handle the end of the interview. You know firsthand, a legit Marketing campaign needs to be flawless from start to finish, there’s not half-assing towards the end. You know exactly what I’m about to breakdown…You just finished eloquently answering all of the hiring manager’s questions and they hit you with the patented:

“Do you have any questions for us?”

The answer is YES. ALWAYS YES. This is where your gameplanning comes into play. You need to know this company and the industry well enough to ask MORE THAN 1 impactful question that shows your level of interest and expertise. (Whenever I was applying to jobs I would dig deep into the company’s existing marketing touchpoints to get a taste of where they were, this also gave me the opportunity to flex my expertise during the interview.)

 I have several questions I ask in this situation – please steal them, Marketing Bestie:

1️⃣. What specific projects would I be working on in the first few months, and how will my success be measured?

(Get the details straight from the source! This question is your way to understanding exactly what you’ll be diving into. You’re not just there to fill a seat—you want to hit the ground running and make an impact, right? Plus, knowing how they’ll judge your success? That’s like having the answers before the test. )

5️⃣. What % of revenue is marketing sourced?

(This one’s a gem for all you B2B marketers. Its about knowing how much of the company’s revenue comes directly from marketing efforts. This question shows you’re all about the bottom line and understanding marketing’s role. Are you driving the revenue train or just along for the ride?) 

6️⃣. How does this marketing role interact and align with other departments (like sales, design, and development?)

(Let’s get real—marketing isn’t an island. This question is how you’ll see how interconnected the role is with sales, design, development, and the whole crew. You want to be in the mix, not stuck in a silo.)

7️⃣. Could you walk me through the process of how a marketing campaign is created, executed, and measured for success here?

(This is where you get them to give you the deets on how things really go down. From the birth of a campaign idea to go live, you want to really see  how they bring it to life. Then, how do they measure the performance? What happens when it flops (all great companies don’t always win every single time). These are follow ups that can naturally come up. 

My hope is that you’ll have a new rolodex of info on the job, company, and opportunity so that you can CRUSH starting day 1. ALSO, THESE QUESTIONS SHOULD SHOW YOU IF THIS IS THE PLACE YOU WANT TO WORK. If you don’t like the answers… run. 

Marketing Bestie, go CRUSH that interview, get that raise, and get a Diet Coke to celebrate sweet tea (no more Diet Coke for me FML).

Daniel Murray
Daniel Murray
Level up your marketing game

Zero BS. Just fun, unfiltered, industry insights with the game-changers behind some of the coolest companies from around the globe.

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