Let’s talk shop…performance Marketing to be exact (my FAV).

We’re Marketers, if the bottom line isn’t one of our top priorities then WTH are we doin’? Performance Marketing plays into that directly: measurable results, clicks, adding to cart, we put a dollar in how do we get more than a dollar out?

Social and search are many Marketer’s go-to, but TBH everyone and their mother (hi mom) are there. Every dollar spent is being scrutinized right now, so we need to be strategic with what and HOW we spend, making the most of what we got, ya digggg. 🤷‍♂️

We’re talking beyond just Google and Facebook, think native advertising platforms like Taboola, podcasts that speak directly to your audience (*cough cough* The Marketing Millennials Podcast), influencer collabs (micro & macro), and the relatively untapped potential of affiliate networks that work while you sleep.

By now when consumers log onto ANY social media platform they’re expecting ads, it’s just part of the experience, consumers know the ins and outs of how to skip past them (I’m envisioning TikTok ads right now LOL), but I see massive opportunity still. Hitting the platforms where consumers LEAST expect an ad AND are most engaged… 

POV you’re reading your fav online magazine or listening to your fav podcast (the All-In podcast) and a native ad pops out of nowhere. It’s not just a brand telling you to buy their products, it’s your favorite podcaster recommending a solution for you. It’s not just an annoying ad that breaks up your doom scrolling on Twitter, it’s a native ad that flows seamlessly with the article about Meghan Markle you’re reading. Seriously, next time you’re listening to a pod or reading an article, take note of the native ads you’re hit with. They land much smoother than the ones you’re running on socials.

The key here is blending the art of storytelling with the precision of data analytics. The storytelling aspect comes from the ad itself, tailor the creative to the audiences you’re targeting. A prime example? If you’re running ads on a site read by 50 year old women, you won’t be using the same creative you used to capture the 18 year old Fortnite gods on TikTok (and if you are, STOP immediately). Test, learn, and then test some more. Alwayyyyys keep an eye on cost per acquisition (CPA), click-through rates (CTR), bounce rates, and conversions, but at the same time don’t be afraid to experiment. Sometimes the numbers become paralyzing, and we don’t want that. 

To take it to the next level, here’s the 5-step playbook I’d use to dominate channels outside of social and search:

1️⃣. Hyper-Targeted Content Placement:

Imagine having a secret map that shows exactly where your audience loves to hang out. That’s what advanced targeting feels like. Place your content right where your audience can’t miss it, and there’s not many better channels than using top tier sites. Use the data they have collected on their audience to your advantage.

2️⃣. Customized Creative for Each Platform:

Picture your ad as a chameleon, seamlessly blending into its surroundings. Each platform is its own unique jungle, and your ad needs to adapt to survive and thrive. If it looks like an ad, then your audience will ignore it. If you’re looking for inspo, go to Soundcloud, and listen to one song. Right after that song (if you don’t have a premium account) you will be hit with an ad, and lmk what you think. I think they’re very well executed.

3️⃣. Utilize Retargeting Wisely:

It’s like playing tag with your audience. They’ve shown a spark of interest, maybe they entered their email but abandoned cart, now it’s your job to keep the game going until they’re “it” AKA a happy customer. It’s the low hanging fruit type of opportunity we can’t gloss over.

4️⃣. Mind the Journey, Not Just the Click:

Guide your audience through an experience, not just to a landing page. Create a path of discovery that feels more like an adventure than a sales pitch. HubSpot does such a great job of this.

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5️⃣. Measure and Optimize Continuously:

It’s like being a mad scientist but cooler (cue the Norman Osborn meme LOL). Experiment, measure, tweak, and repeat. Use those analytics to turn good campaigns into great ones, always aiming for the stars. Trying to do ANY Marketing without data is a recipe for disaster, the sooner you can get your hands on good data, the sooner your executives will be patting you on the back for crushing campaigns. Reach out to WHOEVER you need to within your company to find the right data.

Daniel Murray
Daniel Murray
Level up your marketing game

Zero BS. Just fun, unfiltered, industry insights with the game-changers behind some of the coolest companies from around the globe.

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