The Apple Marketing Philosophy from 1977. Yes 1977. Still applies today.  The is simple, yet powerful advice and a reminder to all marketers to get the fundamentals down. 

1️⃣. Know your customer DEEPLY. Better than anyone else. Do this or you’re toast.
2️⃣. FOCUS on your top priorities. We often get distracted as marketers and forget to set a few goals and just execute against them and to never take no for an answer.
3️⃣. Every touchpoint matters. You don’t have a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression. That doesn’t mean overproduce everything you do. It means never against your brand ethos, not for a second. And, keep it tight.  

I go into more detail below, but I loved this graphic so I wanted to share this now: 
1️⃣. Empathy: Getting Inside Your Customers’ HeadsApple knew that understanding their customers’ needs better than anyone else was the secret sauce to success. And they nailed it and continue to honestly be perfect here. With all of the cool new tools and platforms popping up, let’s not forget the most important ingredient—empathy. 

Try to put yourself in your customers’ shoes, Marketing Bestie. Dig deep, do some research, actually talk to them and figure out their desires, challenges, and dreams. When you truly understand their needs, you’ll be serving up products and experiences that hit home like never before. If you just wing it here, you’ll risk your entire business. 

2️⃣. Focus: Say “No” to FOMO and “Yes” to ExcellenceApple knew how to keep their eyes on the prize. They were all about eliminating distractions and going all-in on what really mattered. 

There are shiny objects and fun opportunities everywhere, it’s easy to get lost. But, let’s channel our inner Apple and stay focused on our strengths and priorities. Give your customers the absolute best by investing your time, energy, and resources where it truly counts. Less, as always, is more.  

3️⃣. Impute: 1st Impressions Are EverythingNow, this one’s a no-brainer. Apple knew that people judge a book by its cover. 

And Marketing Bestie, were they right! It’s like that old saying goes: “You may have the juiciest apple in the world, but if it looks like it’s seen better days, people will pass it up.”  1st impressions are everything. Every touchpoint matters. Perfect the cover. 
Daniel Murray
Daniel Murray
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